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Service Designer Product Designer

Project Type

Individual Project Mini Idea Project






About Momentum

Momentum is a social network service for Koreans living in the United Kingdom. Being a newcomer in the UK can be unfamiliar and isolating, so Momentum strives to create a community where everyone supports each other to study, work, and live safely in the UK.

Redesign Goal

How might we… re-design services where users can safely and more actively communicate while increasing the service's Daily Active Users (DAU)?


  1. Improved user entry rate by relocating the ID verification process which was the reason for user-churn.

  2. By making community easier to read and write new posts, both user engagement and DAU have increased.


  • Old-fashioned User Interface

  • 8 steps in total for Sign-up, including both e-mail and ID verification.

  • The main feature 'Community' was hidden by less important features.

  • Too many features confuse users.

  • Too many tasks for users to write posts.

  • 5 different User interfaces for each purpose.


  • Trend-Reflective User Interface design.

  • 3 steps for Sign-up, and social sign-up is added.

  • Re-locate 'Community' to Home to increase exposure to updated posts to lead user engagement.

  • Focused on Community and Meet-up.

  • Exposed only essential tasks that users must do.

  • Only two types for writing.


Hypothesis based on data analysing

We analysed data to find current issues which have to be tackled. Through this process, two main issues were found – 40% of users are dropping off during onboarding, and DAU aligns with the number of posts. Based on these findings, we developed two hypotheses to further explore.

Finding #1

About 40% of users fail to progress from onboarding to the main page.

Hypothesis #1

Easier onboarding would likely result in an increase in the success rate during the onboarding process.

Finding #2

The curvature of the graph representing Daily Active Users (DAU) and the number of posts written in the community are similar.

Hypothesis #2

The Daily Active Users (DAU) would likely increase when the community becomes more active.

Hypothesis Validation: Increase in posts => Increase in user retention

We planned and conducted a test to validate the second hypothesis. We directly wrote posts ourselves and regularly sent notifications to users to ensure awareness of new posts. Through this test, we discovered that an increase in new posts led to an increase in DAU, while simultaneously increasing the frequency of post creation. As a result, we could confirm that the most engaging feature for users in Momentum is the community.

Task Plan / Task Result

Increase in posts -> Increase in user retention

Persona: Students & Working Holiday Maker

In the UK, Korean residents can be broadly categorized into three main groups: the 20 to 26-year-old student group, the working holiday maker group (18 to 32-year-olds), and the permanent resident group. Based on interviews, we identified potential target groups among those three main groups and defined our personas that feel our service attractive.

Re-designing Information Architecture

We have revamped the Information Architecture (IA) to enhance the user-friendliness of the onboarding process while retaining ID verification. Additionally, based on the hypothesis validate test, we have placed greater emphasis on the community feature while defining our Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

Fast Prototyping & Test

To test overall elements, I conducted rapid prototyping based on the updated Information Architecture (IA). Based on user testing, I've identified areas for improvement and development. These include updating the outdated user interface, clarifying the bottom menu, and streamlining the process of writing new posts.

Brainstorming & Sketches: insights to ideation

Based on the results of user testing, I conducted brainstorming for Momentum version 2.0. Particularly, I focused on enhancing the community feature to make it easier for users to write posts and actively engage in communication through sketches.

Final Design

Home as Community

Simply entering the service makes users engage with posts. Also, an enhanced community with added features such as categorising, and voting makes users actively communicate in momentum.

Easy Posting

Write easily and communicate a lot.

Easy On-boarding

Sign-up with only 3 steps. Also, sign-up and log-in easily with added social accounts.

Verification for safe meet-up

Create gatherings and meet friends safely by verifying your date of birth and gender.


Project with Date Analyse

The Momentum Project is a project that involved analyzing data from existing products to conduct a redesign. Through data analysis, hypotheses were formulated, tests were planned to validate these hypotheses, and tests were conducted to determine the direction for redesign. Thanks to this process, valuable insights were gained, and ultimately, clear goals of reducing user churn rate and activating the community were set and achieved.

Communication in Cross-Functional Team

Our team consisted of individuals from diverse professions including developers, marketers, and myself as a designer. We collaborated closely, even testing small features of the product through TestFlight before releasing updated versions on the App Store to inspect for bugs. Additionally, I gained experience in various tasks such as designing posters for the app store and creating posts for Instagram.

I hope you have a great day :)

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Copyright © 2024 Minhee Jeong.

Based in London, United Kingdom/Seoul, Republic of Korea